Tin Pan Alley
This original historical fiction musical is set on the stretch of street that was known as Tin Pan Alley in the late 1800s/early 1900s. 'Legend goes' that it was aptly named for the sound of tinny upright pianos being played nonstop throughout the street by songwriters, songpluggers, and the like. The story follows a fictional team of songwriters working in the Alley who catch wind of a songwriting competition and consequently put their writing chops, and their relationships with one another, to the test. I presented this show concept at my undergraduate university in the Spring of 2022, and while it was not selected for my senior year's theatre season, it is a show I am very proud of and would very much like to continue to workshop someday in the future. Check out a full list of scenes and songs, plus a recording of one of the songs from Act One, below!